Aluminium Casement Windows

Our range of aluminium casement windows have been designed and manufactured according to the latest technology, giving you the highest level of performance paired with an exceptional design. Available in a range of colours and finishes, our aluminium casement windows are sure to add a touch of style and sophistication to any property!

If you’re looking for an affordable, quality window replacement option that will completely transform the look of your home, our team at Andover Glass Works is here to help. We offer a wide range of stylish windows in a variety of colours and styles to choose from, so you can find the perfect option for your needs. Plus, we have a team of experienced professionals who will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your replacement project goes smoothly. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services!

  • Great performance
  • A choice of colours
  • High level of security
  • Energy efficiency

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From Our Blog

Embracing Sustainability: The Eco-Friendly Choice of Timber Doors

As the world increasingly turns towards sustainable living practices, homeowners are seeking environmentally friendly solutions for every aspect of their homes, including doors. In this pursuit, timber doors emerge as a compelling choice, offering a perfect blend of timeless elegance and eco-consciousness. Let’s delve into the sustainable attributes of timber doors and why they are […]


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